Kubernetes - The Cloud Operating System and much more !

Why everyone is talking about Kubernetes?

Simple answer is, It is now going to become most popular and large "Open Source" Software after Linux Kernel. There are so many other reasons apart from this. 

Weather you are using on-prem hardware or any public cloud platform, Kubernetes is going to help you. You can deploy your web and mobile applications with the help of Kubernetes cluster.

Who all are using Kubernetes technology?

Small IT start-up and all big giant IT Organizations are using it. 

Anyone who is thinking or planning for Digital Transformation or micro-service-based Cloud development, are using Kubernetes technology. 

If you are planning to develop Cloud Application or Hybrid platform, then you should surely take advantage of Kubernetes.

Kubernetes helps you in 1 way or another for better container orchestration and for designing IT Infrastructure with zero downtime. E.g, Docker Container

IT organizations with On-premises IT infrastructure can also take great advantage of Kubernetes, and they can easily create Hybrid cloud environments with help of various Cloud providers, eg. AWS, Azure or Google cloud.

Kubernetes is Open Source software and very robust for container orchestration. 

The feature list of Kubernetes will make you fan of it.

1. High Availability

2. Limitless Scalability 

3. Zero Down Time with Rolling Upgrade 

4. Portability 

5. Securely Deployment of Application

List will go long, but above are few main points to keep in mind while considering Kubernetes for our Software Development. 


If you are exploring any thing round about Kubernetes, then feel free to discuss with our Kubernetes Experts. Just drop us an email - feeldevops@gmail.com and we will happy to chat with you. 

Have a successful time ahead with Kubernetes. 
